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Written by Matthew Shooks who is a front-end developer and a Michigan fan living in the Buckeye state.

  1. June 21, 2019

    For the last year, I have been working on converting an existing Ionic to React Native and wanted to provide some insight in to my…

  2. July 21, 2018

    I have recently been struggling with an error in React Native and wanted to share my findings as it might help others. We recently started…

  3. July 18, 2018

    For the most part, Gatsby has been easy to setup and use but did I had some trouble with all the assets returning back 404 errors after…

  4. July 17, 2018

    After neglecting my blog for years, I have finally updated it. I have removed WordPress in favor of Gatsby. I host on a cloud environment…

  5. February 03, 2016

    I have been getting back in to heavy Angular development lately. I can’t recommend enough coding in style. There is an excellent Angular…

  6. April 08, 2014

    Stir Trek was a lot of fun this year. The sessions were pretty good and the movie was a great popcorn flick. It was also fun catching up…

  7. December 28, 2013

    Another great YouTube video I watched this week.  We call them interactive style guides at work but they are the same thing.  A style guide…

  8. December 27, 2013

    It is finally slow at work with the holidays and I have had a chance to catch up on some videos I wanted to watch from the Velocity NYC…